Image via hellomoto
A few months ago I made a post titled “things we’re leaving in 2021…..” and in it, I had podcasts. I said that I would have an entirely separate post addressing my issues with podcasts, and so here we are.
I’m gonna be discussing something that’s been lingering in my spectrum of annoyance for some time now, and for some reason, doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, which is the podcast industry.
Now, before I even get in, lemme make something clear: I have lots of respect for people who genuinely have a commitment to podcasting ’cause it is NOT easy.
I am not a podcaster, but I don’t need to be one to know this. It takes lots of time and effort to thrive in podcasting, so when I see people out of nowhere starting podcasts, it confuses me, which brings me to my first group of people who make the podcast industry a NIGHTMARE…

Image via podtail
Social media influencers as a whole annoy me, but when it comes to podcasts, it’s a different level.
The thing with podcasts is that it strips away the privilege that a lot of these social media influencers have, and so without it… they have nothing.
They can’t show their faces, bodies, closets, cars, houses, etc. on podcasts, which means that they have no other choice but to rely SOLELY on their personalities, and what do we know about influencers when it comes to personalities? They have none! And if they DID, it's unlikable.
But because a lot of these influencers are tone-deaf, they believe that they can succeed in the podcast industry, just ‘cause they have a large following on Instagram, TikTok, and all that. But the reality of the situation is that just because people want to look at you, doesn’t mean they want to listen to you.
And when I say this, I’m just making a generalization because there are some influencers who genuinely have great podcas—

Image via Spotify
(Rickey Thompson and Denzel Dion for example)—but they’re the exception and not the rule.
And so because a lot of these influencers have little to no personalities, no one wants to listen to them for HOURS, and no one cares about what they have to say, this is why their podcasts FLOP.

Image via Spotify
Celebrities fall under the same category as influencers when it comes to podcasts in the sense that they are BORING!
Spotify hands out podcast deals to these celebrities left and right, thinking that just because they’re famous, people will automatically want to listen to their podcast, which again, is WRONG!
Who wants to listen to a random celebrity talk about nothing for an hour?
There is not one celebrity on this planet who I would want to listen to for 2 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Rihanna, but I don’t wanna listen to her talk for 2 hours on a podcast. I just don’t! So when I hear about celebrities creating podcasts, I’m confused because what celebrity podcasts do you know that’s made any noise?
Oprah got a podcast
Michelle Obama got a podcast
Jimmy Kimmel got a podcast
Barack Obama got a podcast
Dave Chappelle got a podcast
Kevin Hart got a podcast
Mike Tyson got a podcast
Prince Harry and Megan Markle got a podcast
All these celebrities got podcasts, but who’s listening to them?
With the exception of Queen Radio by Nicki Minaj, I want every single celebrity podcast to cease to exist!

I want nothing more than to go back in time to when I had absolutely no idea that these types of podcasters existed, because until recently, it’s been impossible to escape them.
The alpha males and incels of the podcast industry are the men who make their entire existence all about:
humbling women (more specifically black women).
telling women that they need to be submissive to men.
disrespecting single mothers while showing respect to single fathers.
telling women that they “expire” after 25 and “hit their peak” at 18.
rant on and on about how modern women are the cause of everything bad in the world.
spewing their misogyny and misogynoir into their dirty mics.
That is who these people are.
Their sole purpose on this earth is to cause annoyance and confusion, ‘cause nothing they say makes sense.
They’ll invite women on their podcasts but will spend the whole time talking over her, not letting her get a word in, and disrespecting her ‘cause they know their listeners get off on that sort of thing.
These are the type of men who get dumped by a woman, and instead of seeking therapy, they decide to start a podcast on why women suck and men are the best thing since sliced bread.
And instead of simply going out and finding a boyfriend since they love men so much yet hate women, they sit in their apartments, talking about why women need to do this, and women need to stop doing this, alpha males want this in a woman, alpha males don’t want this in a woman, and women this, and women that.

Image by Chasing Yonchi via Youtube
These are the “get that head, get that bread, then leave” city girls of the podcast industry.
Their content revolves around how to finesse a man and get that bag, and listen, I have zero issues with that.
If you wanna talk about how to get a check from a man, go ahead, but the problem comes when these types of women begin to give dangerous advice to women and young girls, and leave out the truth.
They will encourage young women to get involved in the sex industry, and they will glamorize that industry. And they’ll tell young women that being a sugar baby is easy without telling them the dark side of things.
There are enough stories on the news of women being KILLED on these sugar daddy and sugar baby dates, and enough stories of women sharing their bad experiences, for these women to act as though it’s a safe industry.
We should not be encouraging girls to get on OnlyFans as soon as they turn 18, and we should not be encouraging them to finesse these men.
Women get HURT and women have lost their LIVES from doing these things!

Images by Juggs Mathis via Spotify
The pick-me podcasts and the alpha male/incel podcasts are two sides of the same coin. One spews misogyny, while the other spews internalized misogyny.
Just like how the alpha males and incels talk non-stop about what a woman should do for her man, the pick-me’s do the same thing.
They get on here and talk about how they’ll cook for their man, they’ll clean for their man, they’ll pay all the bills in the house, they’ll rub and lick their man’s feet clean, they’ll obey their man, they’ll let their man cheat on them, hell they’ll even give him money to go to the strip club.
But see here’s the thing, I would have zero issues with the pick-me podcasts if that was all they did. Would I be annoyed? Yes. But nothing more.
The issue arises when these women act as though they're better than the next woman just ‘cause they do all these things for their man.
These pick-me’s will sit up and tell women that if they wanna keep a man they gotta do this and that, when they themselves don’t even have a man.
How you manless but telling women how to get a man?

Now here me out, the pick-me’s are a problem of their own, but when we flip the script, we have the anti pick-me’s who are also a problem.
Both the pick-me’s and anti pick-me’s have one major thing in common which is making MEN the core focus of their podcast.
The anti pick-me’s do nothing but talk down on pick-me’s and how they could never cook and clean for a man ‘cause that’s “slavery,” how they don’t need a man for anything, and how the pick-me girlies are setting women back pre-women’s rights era, and my thoughts are: WHO CARES?
These are the women who’ll see a picture or video on Twitter of another woman proposing to her man, and will quickly hop on their podcast to rant about how she could never do that.
Me, I would rather swallow an Oxford Dictionary than propose to a man, but do I care about other women doing it? NO because what another woman does don’t concern me.
But that’s not how these anti pick-me’s operate.
They will spend 2 hours talking about what they can never do for a man, meanwhile the pick-me’s will spend 2 hours talking about what they'll do for a man, so do you see what I mean when I say that these types of women are similar in a way?
Can they discuss anything OTHER than men?

Images via Spotify, Soundcloud, Spotify, and Audible
How to build generational wealth….
How to build a business….
How to make your first million….
How to be a billionaire….
How to invest in crypto….
How to invest in real estate….
These are the “how to get rich” people, or as I liked to call them, the “financiers,” and this is what they’re all about. “Teaching” us how to get rich.
So you’re probably wondering: well what’s wrong with wanting to help people make more money?
Nothing. There’s nothing wrong with doing that, but that’s not what the financier podcasters do.
If you listen to these type of podcasters, you’re being SCAMMED!
Eight minutes into listening to their podcasts and they’re out here tryna sell you $100 courses and classes.
These people are robbers and are getting money from YOUR pockets.
People who ain’t got 8 figures tryna teach us how to get 8 figures, just like the pick-me’s who ain’t got a man tryna teach us how to get a man!
Now listen, if there are podcasters who genuinely give good finance advice, good for them, but I don’t see them!
I only see the SCAMMERS who are out here selling people $1000 classes to give people the same advice they could have easily gotten from Google.
I can respect the hustle, but these financiers just be doing too much sometimes.

I’m gonna end things off nicely and again say that people don’t give podcasters the respect they deserve.
Being able to not only make a living off of podcasting but staying committed to it, is a lot of work, which is why it baffles me when people begin podcasting thinking it'll be easy and that they can just “go with the flow.”
Are there lots of podcasters that need their mic privileges revoked? Yes, but for the ones who do a good job at it, keep doing you!